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Bakersfield Southwest Baseball



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Listed below are additions to the PONY Baseball, Inc. RULES AND REGULATIONS". These ground rules are intended to clarify play in the Shetland Division.  The Rules and Regulations of PONY Baseball can be viewed in their entirety at


Practices shall be limited to three (3) per week before the season and one (1) per week during the season.  Teams are restricted to three (3) activities (games and practices) per week.  Practices shall be limited to two (2) hours maximum per session.  Any meeting of the team with the manager or coach will be considered a practice.  Violation of this rule could result in manager probation or dismissal.  Batting practice on game day is not considered a practice.


The home team shall occupy the third base dugout.  Only team members, manager, and coaches are permitted in the dugout during games.  The manager and "coach of record" are to remain in the dugout, or coach's box during games.  No alcohol, profanity, or use of tobacco in any form is allowed. No bat persons are allowed.

The home team will be responsible for putting out the bases, chalking the field, and setting up the pitching machine and batting tee. The visiting team will be responsible for raking, watering, and cleanup after their game (this includes Saturday games).

There shall be no forfeits in Shetland Divisions.

All team members on the roster for that game will be listed in the batting order. All players will bat according to this batting order. Players arriving late to a game will have their names placed at the bottom of the batting order.

No ball buckets are allowed on the playing field during the games

All Shetland Division players will play defensively the entire game.  A maximum of ten (10 players on the field with only six (6) infielders, including the pitcher and catcher are allowed - Except for Shetland 6 will play with 10 players defensively. Each player shall play an infield position for 3 defensive outs or one inning per game.  Every player should play every position during the season. A player may play a particular position a maximum of two innings per game. Failure to comply with this rule or falsifying the number of innings played for any team member will result in a one game suspension of the manager.

Managers and Coaches must coach the bases and a least one adult must remain in the dugout.

The manager shall be responsible for the conduct of team players and their parents, at all times during practices and games. The use of alcohol by any parent or spectator is prohibited.

ALL players will wear SW Logo hats*, issued Jerseys*, and matching pants, belts and socks during games. (Note* Only “issued” hats and jerseys are allowed. No custom-made hats or Jerseys are allowed, and may only be modified with Players names or numbers.)

Catchers shall wear catcher's helmet, mask, and throat protector (Hockey-style masks have the throat protector incorporated in their design).

No “Tee Ball” Bats or “Coach-Pitch” allowed! Any USA Certified Bat is allowed. Buy appropriate size and lightest weight for your player at this level – Not BBCOR as they are for 16 Yr. Olds and above.

Batters and Base Runners shall wear approved Batting Helmets, and shall not remove them until they return to the dugout.

Metal spikes are prohibited.

All players are to stay in the dugout area until it is time to take their place in the batter's box. No practice swings may be taken until entering the playing field as the batter.

Each team at bat will receive three outs or five runs in an inning, whichever comes first. 

A manager or coach may ask for time to make defensive player adjustments any time the ball is not in play. Any player who changes positions in an inning cannot change positions again in that inning.

Pitching Machine Settings:

Power Level = 2, Micro Adjust = 3, Release Block =3.

Time Limit:

No inning shall start after one (1) hour and fifteen (15) minutes of regular play. 


·     No showing of bunt, bunting or soft swing. Swing shall count as a strike and the ball is dead.

·     No infield fly rule. 


To begin play, the manager or coach, of the team at bat, will pitch no more than four (4) pitches from the pitching machine until the batter puts the ball in play. If the batter fails to put the ball in play after four pitches the Tee will be placed on home plate and the batter will put the ball in play. There are NO strikeouts, the batter must put the ball in play. The manager or coach of the team at bat will be responsible for adjusting the tee stand and removing it when the batter becomes a runner by putting the ball in play, or when the batter is out, in preparation for the next batter. There are NO Walks.

Play will begin when the batter is able to make the ball travel at least 10 feet in fair territory.

If a batted ball strikes the coach pitcher, the ball is dead, the pitch counts as a strike and no runners shall advance.

If a batted ball strikes the pitching machine and remains in fair territory, the ball is in play.

If a batted ball strikes the pitching machine and goes foul, the ball is dead, the batter is awarded first base and all runners advance one base.

Baserunners may advance one base per play. If a batted ball is hit beyond the reach of an outfielder, each baserunner may advance a maximum of two bases. Runners are at risk of being put out. 


A 2-foot vertical line will be drawn halfway between each base to assist the umpire in determining where to place the runner.

Pitching Machine ONLY – No tee shall be used

The player fielding the pitcher’s position shall take a position five (5) feet to the rear of the pitching machine, and be on the left or right side of the coach utilizing the pitching machine.

If a batted ball strikes the coach pitcher, the ball is dead, the pitch counts as a strike and no runners shall advance.

If a batted ball strikes the pitching machine and remains in fair territory, the ball is in play.

If a batted ball strikes the pitching machine and goes foul, the ball is dead, the batter is awarded first base and all runners advance one base.

The coach who is feeding the pitching machine shall not give coaching instructions to batters after they hit the ball or to base runners. They may not interfere with the defensive players.

A batted ball becomes dead when an infielder has control of the ball in the infield or at a base, has possession of the ball and holds the ball over their head.

Maximum of 6 infielders including catcher and pitcher, with the extra infielders to be stationed between first and second, and between second and third.

To begin play, the manager or coach, of the team at bat, will pitch no more than five (5) pitches from the pitching machine until the batter puts the ball in play. If the batter fails to put the ball in play after five pitches the batter is out, or if the batter swings at three pitches (3 Strikes) the batter is out. There are NO Walks.

Batters are not permitted to bunt or swing easy at the ball.


Team players, manager, coaches, and parents shall pick up litter on and around the field and seating area after each game.  The visiting team manager for the last game of the day is responsible for taking up and storing the bases and other equipment.  Failure to do so will result in the manager's name being turned in to the Board of Directors by the Director on duty. The team will lose it’s next practice session as a penalty.  A manager's name being turned the second time will mean a one game suspension.


Bakersfield Southwest Baseball

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