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Bakersfield Southwest Baseball


Good Neighbor Policy


Our program has grown to over 3,000 players annually and is well received by the community.  The impact on the immediate neighborhoods surrounding Aera Park can be significant and detrimental. In the paragraphs that follow are some Rules as to how you can help to mitigate the impact of our program on the neighbors of all of our fields.

Parking: Park only in designated areas. Do not block driveways, fire lanes, gates, and other marked red zones.  Additionally, there is NO STOPPING at any time on the red curb areas To do so, makes vehicles have to pass you and into oncoming traffic leaving the facility, and causes distractions that could possibly get yours, or other players hit by traffic.  It also backs up traffic onto Jewetta.  The fire department or law enforcement can and will issue parking citations. 

Speeding: Observe posted speed limits on all neighborhood streets. In most cases, this is 25 mph. Avoid the temptation to hurry when you're running just a little late, remember, we share the area neighborhood with a lot of small children.  The speed limit on ALL areas of Aera Park is 10 MPH. 

Pedestrians:  Be aware of players and other children/pedestrians who may “dart” out into the driveways.  Pedestrians have the right of way.  While approaching marked cross-walks, slow and look both ways to make sure there are no pedestrians coming.

Loud Music and Language: Boom-boxes, sound systems and unsportsmanlike language are not permitted at any BSWB function, whether a game or a practice. This is a city park rule that we must adhere to.  This includes music during warm-ups, between innings and player plate-appearance introductions.

Off-Site School Practices: During Spring, teams may be allowed, and assigned, to conduct a weekly practice at one of the area schools.  All rules apply to these schools.  You are representing BSWB while on their property and must follow our Code of Conduct and rules (ours and theirs) at all times.  Most of these schools do not give us access to the restrooms, as a rule. Please see that your player and spectators take care of that before practice begins. Any ball over a homeowner's fence, adjacent to a school grounds, shall not be retrieved during a practice. Players or parents may not climb fences. After the practice, a parent may request permission of the homeowner at the homeowner's front door to retrieve a ball. If permission is denied or the homeowner does not respond to the front door, the ball shall not be retrieved. Do not trespass. Trespassing is neither neighborly nor legal.

Off-Site Public Park Practices: During Spring, teams may practice at local parks, baseball fields, etc.  Some parks charge a fee for this, and insurance documents, may be required.  Teams may make arrangements, as required, with the local park authorities. When a team practices at these locations, whether free or paid for, they are required to follow all park regulations as well as BSWB rules.

Restrooms: Our restrooms are available for the use of all players, parents and fans at Aera Park.  Remember, this facility is YOURS… please take care of it.  Don’t let younger players loiter in the restrooms or perform mischievous deeds. We have warm-air hand dryers in lieu of paper towels to reduce the waste and use of paper.  Do not use seat protectors or TP to dry your hands.  Report any damage or unsanitary conditions to the Blue Shirt (Board Member) on duty, or to the concession stand manager.

Alcohol Use: There is absolutely NO drinking of alcohol products anywhere on/in the sports complex.  You will be asked to leave the facility if found with alcohol.  Failure to leave will result in law-enforcement being summoned.

Smoking: Smoking, or ANY tobacco use (including E-cigs/Vaping), is not permitted on the complex, around any field or at any school grounds. It is discourteous and illegal to leave cigarette butts in the streets, on the sidewalks or in the gutters of our neighborhood. Most games are less than 2 hours, but if you must smoke, Smoking is permitted in the Parking lot areas only.

Trash: Use the provided receptacles for your trash.  There are ample receptacles spaced around the facility.  If the receptacle nearest you is full, please find another. Please don’t throw food or trash on the ground. Please empty all liquids from cups and bottles before throwing them in the trash.  Our Board Members appreciate the lighter weight while emptying them. If full, notify the director on duty (Blue Shirt). Please do not litter the restrooms, fields, parking lots or our neighborhood.

Bakersfield Southwest Baseball

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